The most remarkable thing about life in the trenches is the incredible number of rats. The whole area is infested with them. No matter what you did, you can't keep them out. They get incredibly fat on all the food they steal from us. They are revolting to look at - some are the size of cats.

Background information: This is a journal entry from a soldier fighting on the western front.

Which statement best describes how this soldier felt about the trench rats?

A.) He was disgusted by them.
B.) He thought they were helpful.
C.) He thought they were annoying.
D.) He thought they were cute.

Respuesta :

A.) He was disgusted by them (on ed).

The correct option is A

Trench warfare or war of position is a form of warfare, in which the fighting armies maintain static lines of fortifications dug in the ground, called trenches. Trench warfare arose from a revolution in firearms. There were periods of trench warfare in the Civil War (1861-1865) and the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, but it reached its peak of brutality and mortality on the Western Front of the First World War. They reached a depth of between one and two meters, and connected with others for greater mobility of the battle blocks.