Imagine you have 24 hours to change into any sea creature. Which creature would you choose to be? Describe what you life would be like during your time under the ocean.

Respuesta :

If I could turn into any sea creature it would be a frog fish. These extremely impressive sea creatures can change texture and color to blend in with its surroundings. I would start my morning by searching for food. This task would be so easy for me because my prey come right to me when I blend in with the coral. Next I would go and search for another place to blend into thats not already taken. I usually find a place very easily. I can even blend into the sand. From that point on I will just sit for a couple hours and reminisce about life until the shark comes. When this happens I stay very still because they  never notices me. The only bad part about that is having to sit very still and watch other fish get eaten alive. After watching that horrific scene I would go and look for a girlfriend. I keep getting rejected, but I know if i dont give up someone will surely come my way. All that searching for a mate would ordinarily make me very tired. However, before I go to sleep I have to eat. I blend in with the algae to do so. Routinely thats the easiest part of my day. I see a whale and attached myself to it. Thats generally my resting place and the whales dont mind. That ends my day till I wake up and do it all over again.