40 points !!!!
Three paragraphs at least 4 at the most.
Write a short narrative about a real or imagined event. Your narrative can be free-form or structured like epic poetry, but you’ll want to have a clear beginning and end that includes a conflict. If you have trouble starting your story, use the writing prompt below.

Writing prompt: She looked up at a sky laden with angry clouds, and she…

Remember the following points when writing your story:

Establish a problem, situation, or idea to build your narrative around.
Introduce the narrator and the characters of your narrative to allow readers to connect to the story.
Create a smooth sequence of events that build on one another as the narrative approaches the resolution to the overall conflict.
Use techniques such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and various plotlines to develop the events and characters of your narrative.
Use diverse and descriptive language to describe the events, setting, experiences, and characters of your narrative.
Provide a conclusion or resolution that gives your narrative (and readers) a sense of completion.

Respuesta :

She looked at a sky full of furious clouds, and she knew the fury of her thoughts were darker and menacing than any storm approaching the city. "but how would I know what the fury of a storm is?" thought the poor creature, who from his creation had never observed the light of the sun, or the raging clouds of a storm except for the small 30 cm window installed in his captivity.

The creator would never set her free. "The world is too dangerous, my poor little one, here you will be in peace," he would say to every request for freedom. Poor thing, so lonely, so disillusioned, so agitated. The agitation of her heart would not let her move away from the window. "Oh, think of the happiness of getting the raindrops touching the gray skin, sir?" She asked and did not get any answer. Hours passed and the creator's silence remained to the point of annoying the creature. "He never left a pergnta without an answer, never a question."  Suspicious of the silence, the creature decided to see what happened, descended the escapes quickly and did not understand the scene before him. The creator was lying on the floor in an unusual position, his eyes lost their brightness, his skin was ice cold, and his heart no longer beat.

"Oh lord, you must be weary of labor and ice-cold for fear of the coming storm, I will take you to my room, there you may rest and we shall observe together from the window, when the first raindrops fall." And so she did

She looked at a sky full of furious clouds, the icy wind brought constant chills and the sound of thunder was the only thing that prevented the absolute silence of the place. "The world is really dangerous sir, but I hope you're right about being at peace here where we are," she told the creator, before closing her eyes and dreaming of freedom.


I honestly dont know if you will like it, but here was my answer for that assingment


I looked up at a sky laden with angry clouds and wondered what the future might hold. I sat in a field of flowers looking at the sky. I was about to lie back down when I heard the snap of a stick like someone stepped on one, I turned around only to be face to face with my friend AJ. "Hey," she said softly, " you ready for tomorrow?" "Heck yeah" I responded. I had been waiting for this day the entire school year, tomorrow was the day where the dodgeball teams were picked and I had already been asked to join 5 different teams. AJ helped me up and we walked home to sleep ready for tomorrow.

The next day I came to school spirits high ready for what the day would bring. I got to my 3rd to last class, P.E. Today, our class got stuck outside so we did running and tetherball. I was paired up with a guy and we started to play. It was all fine until he hit the ball too high and almost hit my head. I moved backwards to avoid getting hit, but tripped over someone. Trying to catch myself I put my arms behind me, but I still fell.

The game stopped immediately and my teammate came to help me up. He grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me up but I cried out in pain making him stop. I tried to get up myself but couldn't and 3 kids had to help me get up. Carrying on I went to my next class, band. The teacher saw me in pain and told one of my friends in that class to take me to the school nurse. I went to the nurses office so that she could look at my arms. She called my parents and the next thing I knew I was getting driven to the E.R.

I came back to school three days later both arms in a cast surprising all of my teachers. I was told I couldn't participate in the dodgeball tournament and was secluded. A month later, I got my casts off and was able to attend the dodgeball tournament to cheer on my old team.