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Persuasive essay topics about music
Modern pop music is not as well-composed as the pop music of the 70s
The essence of protest song has changed since the early XX century
It is important to put parental warning labels on tracks or entire albums with filthy language
The importance of having appropriate music education and training when playing professional music
Do depressive tracks encourage young people to commit suicide?
How the state of downloadable tracks influence the way musicians to create an album?
Is it fair that producers have more power than the band members?
The role of world wide web in the development of online music and crash of radio
iPods are the best devices when it comes to listening to music

Obscene language or dirty words in modern music

I think one of the most terrible things that teenagers have to listen to is dirty words or obscene language in modern music because it makes them more violent and more permissive to violence.

Teenagers are exposed to different things in modern life. Explicit obscene language is one of the most outrageous because it implies insults and references to sex in a way in which love is not present but  reference to sex is used to talk about selfish satisfaction and pleasure thus destroying purity and self-confidence in teenagers.

When teenagers are taught these horrible language then they act like sheep and start cursing and they tend to think that women or men are just objects to satisfy their desires.

One thing parents can do is showing adolescents the riches of classical music  or romantic music or free of bad words music that instead of filling their souls with violence give them hope and love for others. Nice music has a multiplying effect: it creates nicer people.