Which of these sentences is in the subjunctive mood? A. Yo creo que la acupresión funciona bien. B. A mí me parece que la ayurveda es mejor que homeopatía. C. Es improbable que el curanderismo ayude a los pacientes. D. En mi opinión la medicina moderna es muy avanzada.

Respuesta :

C. ayude

Es improbable que el curanderismo ayude a los pacientes.

the infinitive is ayudar. The sentence expresses probability and possibility.

The correct answer is C!

Reason: Subjunctive mood is when a verb expresses something that is wished, imagined or possible.

C's english translation is: It is unlikely that Curanderismo will help patients.

This sentence expresses something that is imagined and something impossible. We know this with the words "It is unlikely...".