Respuesta :

I'll do minor things which will cause hopefully no major damage…

id invite a priest, minister, and rabbi to stick around for the period. Might need them for spiritual advice. I might grant myself a pardon for any acts which seem unlawful during my 24 hour Presidency.

Sign an Executive Order designating the next day as a Federal Holiday.

Declare my house a National Monument.

Have plenty of autograph pictures printed at the White House by my 22nd hour in office to give to the museum adjacent to the National Monument. Such as sitting in the Oval Office, standing at the podium, sitting in the Cabinet room presiding over a meeting, waving from Marine One.

Allow my mom and dad to fly in Air Force One to wherever they want to go in my 24 hour Presidency, provided they get home by the 23rd hour. Appoint them as “honorary goodwill Ambassadors” with no pay. Maybe give each of them The Presidential Medal of Freedom. They're good parents and should be recognized for that. Parents deserve the best.

Get some souvenirs from the White golf balls, M and M’s, face towels, mugs, maybe a Presidential Flag, Bomber Jacket with Presidential seal.

Put some monster truck wheels on the Presidential Limo. Drive it around the White House a couple times.

Invite a foreign leader or two for a state dinner. Because of time restrictions, I'll call Pizza Hut from the Oval Office for several pizzas, breadsticks, and sodas..and invite press to a free meal. Ill need as much positive coverage as possible for my 24 hours as President. I hope The Secret Service will cause a 30 minute delay, so the pizzas are free. ;-) Invite a couple celebrities to join the dinner who can make the night pleasant…like Larry the Cable Guy, the publisher of my memoirs, my nieces.

If the 24 hour Presidency falls on Saturday Night… have a cameo appearance on SNL with the actor chosen to impersonate me. If I'm short on time to appear physically, then a video appearance is cool.

Invite the Congressional Leadership and the Cabinet to the White House to meet a couple gym teachers from the local high school for about an hour. Let the teachers get the government back “into shape”. Minor exercises, like you give to the old people on cruise ships. It would be bad public relations if The President pro tempore of the Senate got a heart attack doing 20 pushups. Wouldn't want to be impeached in the 24 hour cycle.

Free medical checkup by the Surgeon General.

Sign into law a bill increasing the pension for former Presidents. Add secret service for life.

Thank God for the unique opportunity.