
Throughout U.S. history, numerous groups were discriminated against and were denied the right to vote.

Choose one of the following groups:

Native Americans
African Americans

Answer the following questions about your chosen group's fight for suffrage.

Explain one specific challenges this group faced in regard to voting.

Explain one method this group used to overcome their challenges.

Explain any legislation, Constitutional amendments, or Supreme Court cases that helped this group gain the right to vote.

Answer in three to four complete sentences.

Respuesta :

I'll offer an example to follow, but you'll want to work on your own essay.

African Americans

One specific challenge:

  • Even after being granted citizenship and voting rights after the Civil War, African Americans still faced discriminatory practices in voting.  Poll taxes, literacy tests, and other means were used to block black citizens from exercising the right to vote.

A method used to overcome these challenges:

  • The civil rights movement (with leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and others) worked to end Jim Crow laws and other forms of discrimination against black citizens.  Sit-ins, marches, and other means of protest were used in the civil rights movement.

Legislation, Constitutional amendments, Supreme Court cases:

  • 24th Amendment, outlawing poll taxes (one of the ways poor black persons were kept from voting)
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited unequal application of voter registration requirements, as well as protecting against racial discrimination in other matters.