What was the global economy like after World War I?

How did the effects of World War I and the Great Depression result in the rise of authoritarian governments?

What were the similarities between Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco?

What were the differences between Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco?

How did Lenin and Stalin come to power in Russia, and what policies did they implement?

Respuesta :

1. The Global Economy was terrible, Britain had suffered many casualties and had little economy. Germany was worse since the war was blamed on them and that the allies were demanding reparations for the damage that was caused in the war.

2. The effects of World War I caused many countries to switch over to authoritarian governments. For example, Italy, Germany, and Spain converted to Dictatorships after WWI because of the economical challenges each country faced.

3. They all made their governments an authoritarian government. They all were leaders of their government. They all hated the allies of the previous war.

4. Hitler came to power through the support of his people. Mussolini came to power by marching down Rome which caused the king to appoint Mussolini as Prime minister of Italy. He would later eliminate other political members and change the laws to make it a dictatorship. Franco gained power through a civil war which overthrew the previous government and made it into a dictatorship.

5. Lenin and Stalin came to power when a revolutionary force overthrew Russia's government during World war I. The communist party had large support since the current government wasn't doing too well economically. Lenin was the first leader of the new government of Russia. A policy created by Lenin was called the New Economic Plan. The NEP made it so that the state would own the heavy industries. This plan would stabilize the economic problem of the time. Stalin created the Five Year Plan. The plan was to quickly industrialize Russia, (Russia at the time was very far behind in industrializing), introduce socialised farming.  Eliminated private ownership and  to develop education and transport. The plan had succeeded at the cost of many lives and allowed Russia to catch up with the other world powers in industry.