My teacher, Ms. Norris has set things up for every student in our class to get a pen pal! I cannot wait because it will be so fun to write and get letters from a real pen pal. We can choose the country and the age of our pen pals. So I will pick Estonia, because that is the country I studied for my geography report. Also, I want a pen pal who is the same age as me. We even get to list some of our hobbies, so maybe I will have lots in common with my pen pal.

Which choice gives the BEST concluding sentence for this paragraph?
A) I think my friend Alex will have a pen pal from Argentina.
B) Ms. Norris has been teaching at our school for almost eleven years.
C) Out of all Ms. Norris' class activities, this one has to be the best yet.
D) I am not sure who first started pen pal programs for elementary school kids.

Respuesta :


C. A, B, and D do not relate to the character and therefore cannot be a conclusion sentence.


