Question 31 (1 point)
- Patriots defeated the Loyalists

- Patriots led by Elijah Clarke

- Austin Dabney helped Elijah Clarke by giving him his horse

- As a rewared, Austin Dabney was granted in land in nearby Madison County

These statements describe what historical event in Georgia?

Question 31 options:

The Civil War Battle of Atlanta

Theh American Revolution Seige of Savannah

The American Revolution Battle of Kettle Creek

The Trail of Tears

Question 32 (1 point)
Which of the following region would be MOST threatened by a hurricane?

Question 32 options:

Blue Ridge Region

Piedmont Region

Ridge and Valley Region

Coastal Plain Region

Question 33 (1 point)
Which of the following statements BEST describes what happened to the American Indian population as a direct result of contant with European explorers?

Question 33 options:

The American Indian population remained the same.

The American Indian population flourished.

The American Indian population declined rapidly.

The American Indian population completely disappeared.

Question 34 (1 point)
When a Governor vetoes a bill that Georgia's congress has passed, what is this an example of?

Question 34 options:

the idea of return on investment

the system of checks and balances

the application of equal voting rights

the use of taxation without representation

Question 35 (1 point)
What was the purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Act?

Question 35 options:

to bring electricity to rural farms

to provide agricultural jobs for urban poor

to rasie prices of staple crops by limiting supply

to provide temporary jobs and education in agriculture

Question 36 (1 point)
Why did many early businesses settle along the Fall Line?

Question 36 options:

The Fall Line served as transportation hub.

The Fall Line is a good source of drinking water.

The Fall Line features different types of geography on either side.

The Fall Line marked a recreation area for early tourists.

Question 37 (1 point)
A person is accused of stealing a car from the mall parking lot. In which court will he or she apper for the hearing?

Question 37 options:

civil court

criminal court

appellate court

state supreme court

Question 38 (1 point)
How was the Yazoo Land Sale unique when compared to the Headright or Land Lottery Distribution Systems?

Question 38 options:

The Yazoo Land Sale sold to a monopoly of 4 companies.

The Yazoo Land Sale sold only to white settlers.

The Yazoo Land Sale sold to Native Americans.

The Yazoo Land Sale gave land to war veterans.

Question 39 (1 point)
One main difference between a tenant farmer and a sharecropper is

Question 39 options:

Tenant farmers have some of their own supplies while sharecroppers are totally dependent on the land owner.

Tenant farmers own the land while sharecroppers only rent the land.

Sharecroppers are land owners but tenant farmers rent land.

Sharecroppers were not allowed to ever own land but tenant farmers were.

Question 40 (1 point)
Why might a geographer place Georgia and California in the same catagory?

Question 40 options:

They are both bordered at some point by an ocean.

They both have a national desert.

They both were entered into the Union as free states.

They are both on the eastern coast of the United States.