Which of the activities listed below could help limit global warming by slowing the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels?a. Limiting soil erosion so organic matter takes longer to decomposeb. Burning vegetation to clear land for agriculturec. Replacing fossil fuels with nuclear energyd. Using more electrical appliances and carse. Choosing a fuel-efficient car, or bicycling to school or workf. Cutting down forests to build houses

Respuesta :


- Replacing fossil fuels with nuclear energy;

- Using more electrical appliances and cars;

- Choosing a fuel-efficient car, or bicycling to school or work;


In the past century, it has been noticed that the human activities are increasing the levels of the atmospheric carbon dioxide, though not as dramatically as it is portrayed. Even though the consequences of the higher levels of the atmospheric carbon dioxide would not be devastating as the media tends to panic the public, still if the humans want to keep the things to progress and change in natural manner they can make certain adjustments. One of the things to decrease the atmospheric carbon dioxide is to replace the fossil fuels with nuclear energy, as the nuclear energy is much more ecologically friendly, as well as being more efficient. An increase in the electricity and electric cars instead of the carbon dioxide emitters is also a good idea, though the prices for these types of vehicles have to go down as the majority of the people can not afford them. Choosing to have a healthy habit, when the people will both have an exercise and not spend money on transport, like the bicycling, will also result in decreasing the carbon dioxide levels.