
Which of the following is the most likely reason that China began to curtail some human rights abuses? To encourage foreign investment. To encourage Tibetan sovereignty. To centralize political power. To ensure a decline in population growth.

Respuesta :


To encourage foreign investment


China has had a history of human rights abuse ever since the communist party came to power in the country. The human rights abuses came in all sorts and forms, from murders, to segregation, systematic conversion and reeducation, supervision etc. This actions were of course not seen fondly by the international community, so the developing China started to curtail on the human rights abuses in order to be more acceptable, thus to be able to get more foreign investments. The tactic worked perfectly well, with foreign investments from all over the world boosting the Chinese development and economy. The dark side of it though is that China still continues to abuse the human rights, and that is actually intensifying lately, as now the country has a lot of power and has no concerns about the opinion of the international community.


to encourage foreign investment
