
Which two sentences maintain the verb voice; that is, they do not shift from one voice to another? *TWO CHOICES*

Jane craved caramel custard, so it was baked by her.

Thea wanted to visit Greece, so she bought a plane ticket.

Jeff felt bored, so he read an interesting science fiction novel.

Sam loved writing, so it was practiced by him on a daily basis.

Respuesta :


2. Thea wanted to visit Greece, so she bought a plane ticket.

3. Jeff felt bored, so he read an interesting science fiction novel.


Both sentences use their verbs in the active voice: wanted, bought (in the second sentence) and felt, read (in the third one). So these two sentences maintain the verb voice.

The first and the last sentences shift from the active voice to the passive voice: craved, was baked (first sentence) and loved, was practiced (last sentence).


Thea wanted to visit Greece, so she bought a plane ticket.

Jeff felt bored, so he read an interesting science fiction novel.

Have a great day, remember u are important beb!