Plot a short story in which an interesting character has to overcome a conflict within himself or herself so that the character can overcome a problem outside of himself or herself. In one or two sentences, describe the character. In several more sentences, describe the main events of the story.

Respuesta :

There once was a boy named Harry, destined to be a star.

His parents were killed by Voldermort,

Who gave him a lightning scar.

Yo, Harry, you a wizard!

Harry goes to Hogwarts,

He meets Ron and Hermione,

McGonagall requires he play for Gryffindor.

Draco is a daddy's boy, Quirrel becomes unemployed,

The Sorcerer's stone is destroyed by Dumbledore.

Ron breaks his wand, now Ginny's gone,

And Harry is in mortal danger.

Tom Riddle hides his snake inside

His ginormous secret chamber.

Harry blows up aunt Marge,

The Dementors come and take charge.

Lupin is a wolf, the rat's a man,

And now the prisoner is at large.

They use time travel

So they can save the prisoner of Azkaban,

Who just so happens to be Harry's godfather.

I don't really get it either...

Harry gets put in the Triwizard Tournament

With dragons and mermaids.

Oh, no!

Edward Cullen gets slayed,

He's back.

Harry, Harry, it's getting scary.

Voldemort is back and now you're a revolutionary Harry.

Dumbledore, Dumbledore,

Why is he ignoring your costant attempts to contact him?

He is forced to leave the school,

Umbridge arrives, Draco's a tool.

Kids break into the Ministry,

Sirius Black is dead as can be!


Split your soul, seven parts of a whole,

They're Horcruxes,

It's Dumbledore's end...

There once was a boy named Harry,

Who constantly conquered death.

But in one final duel between good and bad

He may take his final breath.

Answer and explanation:

Since we are being asked to plot a short story, I believe the question asks for something original. I came up with one, but feel free to change anything!

Character: a man in his early thirties who finds out he's about to become a father. He has gotten distant from his family over time and fears he won't be a good parent since his own father left his family when he was a child.

Main events of the story: the main character finds out about his girlfriend being pregnant. His past and the resentment it holds come back to haunt him. He never thought of having a family. He thinks of his own family as a broken one, never having gotten over being abandoned by his father. As his son's birth draws nearer, he decides to get rid of his inner conflict. He goes back to his hometown and, for the first time, tries to not be judgmental toward his mother and brothers. He finally begins to see them as the imperfect human beings they are. He begins to understand that they have always been trying their best, even when they didn't do well in protecting him as a child. His mother at last decides to let him know where his father lives. The main character travels to his father's town, finds him living a whole new life, being the father and husband he never was to the main character and his family. The main character chooses to let go, to admit he's incapable of understanding what his father did to him. He does comprehend, however, his father has given himself a second chance with his new family. The main character decides everyone should have a second chance - he would give his own son a thousand chances, so why not his father? -  and goes back home feeling nervous, but ready to become a parent.