How does the use of second-person point of view affect your understanding of the relationships between the characters in the story? What limitations does it set?

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When using 2nd-person in writing it helps the readers become more involved in the context of the story's because its almost like the events in the story are happening to them, which makes them more interested in the story and it makes it easier to understand the feelings that the character is feeling. The problem with 2nd person is it is ofter overlooked in fiction, as it can be a tricky one to perfect.

2nd person books are mostly used for choose your own adventure children's books, where at the end of the page it gives the reader a choice on how they want to proceed.

Otherwise it can be limiting for fiction, and can be difficult to write as they offer different options.


It affects the reader's interaction with the text.


The first and second person view affects the reader's interaction with the text. For example, using the second-person  words like "you" shows readers that you are involving them in the analysis. However, it can only be disadvantageous if the work requires the use of the third-person view, for a example, a literary analysis.

The use of the second person is normally used when describing a process. For example, lest's say a person is describing the method of making bread. The description language "You take a cup of flour" would be appropriate language to use.