
how to draw an arrow diagram that relates a number (0to9) to the number of lit segments required to display that number?

Respuesta :

The numbers on electronic displays ... like on alarm clocks or digital
watches ... are made out of what's called "7-segment" displays.

For each digit, there's a set of 7 tiny LED's that are laid out
something like this:       _

Then, all of the digits from  0  to  9  can be made just by lighting up
some of the segments, and keeping the rest turned off.

This question is asking for a table that shows how many segments
are lit up to make each digit ... not which ones, but just how many.
This is something the design engineers want to know, so that they
can be sure to provide enough power inside the clock to light up
all the digits.

Look at the picture I attached.  It shows all the digits, 0 to 9, the way
they look in 7-segment displays, and on the right side, the number of
segments that are lit up to make each digit.

I think this is something like what the question is asking for.
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