Respuesta :


The Fuhrer was a poor poor man. He awoke everyday to caws of despair. Paying no heed as he snuffed out the light in his bag confused as they grew louder. Day after day. Until he could take no more. Smoke from his stove to stifle their breath. Fire to the tries to drive them away. Till it was bare as despair gathered below his window and caw'ed louder then before. Then the fuhrer moved on to more drastic measures, and cages and cages filled to the brim with despair. Yelling louder then before as they were packed tightly together. In attempts to quiet them blankets were thrown over them to force them to sleep. Working until despair could see the captured light just beyond the window that returned in full force.

"CAW!", yelled despair.

"SHUT IT", yelled the fuhrer.

He continued his drastic measures to silence them.




As he took their feathers believing if they couldn't fly to the light they wouldn't strive for it anymore. Having worked no better as despair knew they didn't need their wings to be free and screeched all the same. The Fuhrer ripped their beaks away in giddy thinking that at least they would be silenced. Despair was naked, tired, with their voices ripped away but that didn't stop them from wheezing to be free knowing it was just beyond the window.




As despair was snuffed out. Muted noises escaping the single cage as that was all that was left. Silence from the ones who gave up. Barely whispers from the ones that could still talk having watched their brethren be mutilated, and taken apart.




Was heard on the window. Hope throwing it open however late it was for some but there all the same. Hope that snuffed out that poor poor Fuhrer.

I don't know what happened i had to write this twice cause it said there was an error, and the when i checked back my comment was deleted all my hard wok disappeared! Lol. Anyway's i hope you like this! :)