If a tail light circuit is drawing 6 amperes of current from the 12 volt battery, then
the tail light circuit resistance is (A) 2 watts (B) 2 ohm (C) 2 ohms (D) 1 watt.
A vehicle may use (A) diodes in the alternator (B) transistors in the ignition system (C) integrated circuits in the engine control module (D) All of these.
For each of the following, circle T if the statement is true, circle F if it is false.
An automotive shop is subject to safety regulations regarding employee exposure
to hazardous chemicals; however, used transmission fluid, antifreeze, and brake
fluid may legally be poured down a drain.
37. T
High performance engines may be designed with larger intake valves, an efficient
exhaust system, and use a supercharger to raise the volumetric efficiency for more
torque at higher rpms.​

Respuesta :


Using Ohm's law Resistance = Voltage / amps

Resistance = 12 /6

Resistance = 2 ohms.


A vehicle could use all those, the answer is D.


False, There are safety regulations used in all automotive shops., but hazardous chemicals cannot be poured down a drain. They have special containers to get rid of them.

