Jose has a psychological disorder, and his doctor has prescribed a drug that affects both the levels of norepinephrine and serotonin in Jose’s nervous system. Based on this information, it is MOST likely that Jose is being treated for:

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Answer:    Depression

Explanation:  Psychological disorder resulting from serotonin and norepinephrine deficiency is depression. Based on the symptoms that Jose showed during medical examination, the doctor found that the levels of these neurotransmitters were low in Jose. The low levels of these neurotransmitters affect mood and Jose showed some of the symptoms such as anxiety, hyperactivity, lack of focus, constant neurosis, and in women, the symptom of menopause. In particular, these antidepressants affect the sense of positivism that is serotonin, and the feeling of energy needed to cope with daily obligations as well as sufficient alertness, focus - norepinephrine.