If a rock is thrown upward on the planet Mars with a velocity of 10 ms, its height in meters seconds later is given by (a) Find the average velocity over the given time intervals: (i) [1, 2] (ii) [1, 1.5]

Respuesta :


[tex]1) X(t)=Xo+So(t)+\frac{1}{2} g(t)^{2}[/tex]

2) S(Δt)=So+g(Δt)


I think the equation they gave you for the Height upon time in seconds it's (1), where if you see, you will find the gravity, that you should multiply by 2 because, its divided by two in (1) (that should be your (a)), then, once you find your gravity, you can use the equation (2) to know the Final Speed replacing g , at the time asked, remember that g is gravity, and Δt is the: final time- initial time.

so in the [1,2] interval of time, your Δt=1s, and in [1,1.5] is Δt=0,5s.

i hoped it helped you even though i cant give you the exact answer right now.