Can someone please proofread my essay

An event in my life that has affected me and changed the way I view the world happened this summer. I went to my local mosque with my friend when I faced a near-death experience.

My family and I went to the mosque, a big building that resembles a church, that night. They were hosting an event. There was a seating area set up outside filled with people. A table stood in the far back where people were serving food. I met up with my friend there, and we ate together like always, we finished eating and started walking on the sidewalk around the mosque talking and catching up.

We talked about this book I recently read called “They both die at the end”. It's about this alternate universe where this company called “Death cast” calls you the day you're going to die and informs you you're going to die in the next 24 hours. The main characters Rufus and Mateo got the call on the same day so they used this app called “Last friend” where you make a friend on your last day and they met up an became friends. I was about to tell her about how heartbreaking their deaths were, when we passed by a group of 7-8 year olds that were playing. One of them walked up to us and gave us these little stress balls then walked away we accepted them and then kept on making our way along the sidewalk. when my friend dropped her ball it rolled between the cars facing the sidewalk and onto the street and my first reaction was to immediately run after it and when everything went wrong.

The first thing all parents teach their kids is to look both ways before crossing the street and I've had that sentence drilled into my head so many times it's become second nature but even 3 months later I still have no idea what compelled me to run after that ball as did. I ran into the parking lot without a second thought just as a car was speeding out of it out I saw a bright light out of the side of my eye and I immediately knew it was a car all thoughts of the ball flew out of my head i froze mid-run the bright headlights from the car blinding me i was a deer stuck in the headlights in books and movies they always talk about how their life flashed between their eyes or that they started worrying about something or the other but I didn't feel or see a thing was rooted to the spot I felt as if I left my body and now I was just an observer seeing how this situation played out I saw myself standing in the middle of the dark street my mouth wide open in shock my eyes were wide open too even though the headlights were blinding me i looks as if I just saw a ghost I didn't feel any fear or anything i didn't have time too when the car swerved and avoided hitting me as soon as the headlights left my eyes reality came crashing back to me and i ran back to the sidewalk all thoughts of retrieving the ball were forgotten even though it felt as if i was standing in that street for five minutes it only happened in two seconds my friend was looking at me with a worried expression and i remember her saying wow i thought i was going to see my friend die right in front of me and i couldn't do anything about it” i just laughed of her concern and pretended as if everything was fine even though i was shaken by it i couldn't stop thinking about it and it didn't sink in until i got home at midnight and layed in my bed staring up at my ceiling that moment replaying in my head over and over and I found it kind of ironic how me and my friend were talking about that book they both die at the end” and I was just about to tell her how one of the characters in the book died by stepping into the street and getting hit by a car the whole entire book told you that you need to live your life to the fullest because you could always die at any time and i felt that if i would've died that day i would've died with regrets, i would've died wishing that i had opened up more and made more friends rather than sticking with the same two people,i would've regretted not going out with my friends and having fun because i was shy and doing things like that scared me, i would've regretted that i didn't have the chance to grow up and go to college and travel to different places and live and all because of me all because of one stupid decision. From that moment on i decided that life was way too short to go along trying to hole up in a box and stay in my “comfort zone” and I decided to try being more open because, to be honest when I walk through the mall no one is paying attention to me and thinking about me i'm another girl going shopping so why should I be worried about them and what they think.

So now I've stopped worrying about other peoples opinions on me, I've made 2 new friends, and even though that may not seem like much to you its a lot to me and even though I never want to experience something like that again I'm kind of thankful that it helped change my views on how I live and go about life.

Respuesta :

An event in my life, that has affected me, changed the way I view the world. This event happened during the summer, I had went to a local mosque, which is a building that resembles a church. that's when I faced a life or death situation.

my family and I went to the mosque that night, they were hosting an event.the seating area was set outside, and many people were already seated. a table in the back, was serving food, and that's were I met up with my friend. We ate, after we were finished eating we decided to go for a walk around the mosque. we talked and got caught up with each others lives.

I talked about this book I had been reading recently, called "They both die at the end". It's about an alternate universe where this company called "Death Cast" calls you the day you're  going to die to inform you that you will die within the day. The main characters  Rufus and Mateo got the same call on the same day, they met on an app and became friends. I was about to tell my friend how heartbreaking there deaths were, when we passed a group of seven and eight year olds, that were playing. One of the kids gave us a stress ball, we accepted them and walked away. my friend dropped her stress ball, my first reaction was to go after it  and that is when everything went wrong.