Please check my work I would like someone to double check my work. Thank you

These are the round-trip distances that city buses traveled on different routes each month. Calculate the total distance, in miles, that buses travel each route in one year.
350 3/5 miles to Parkville
346 3/10 miles to Green City
134 1/5 miles to Evergreen Town
327 4/5 miles to Jefferson
413 7/10 miles to Clinton City

First we add all the integers
350+346+134+327+413= 1572

First we add all the fractions altogether

The total distance is 1572 3/5

Respuesta :


NOOOO! Watch out man your addition for your integers are added wrong it is 1570 NOT 1572

Your integer adding is also wrong! it equals 13/5 NOT 3/5

Step-by-step explanation:

just use a calculator dude!

Although you included the whole parts of the fraction into the integer sum, your final answer is correct.