PLEASE HELP ASAP!! Read the passage below and think about conclusions you can draw from the facts:

The famous koalas of Australia live in forests and eat only eucalyptus leaves. But the increased heat and carbon dioxide levels of global warming are changing the leaves. In affected areas, the leaves are actually becoming less nutritious, so koalas will have to search for additional food—and much of their habitat has already been destroyed. Although climate change is not the only threat facing koalas, it is helping to push this fragile species further into decline.

Based on this passage, what is most likely to be true?

a. Koalas may become endangered if the trend continues.

b. Koalas soon won’t notice the less nutritious leaves.

c. Koalas are not a strong species of animal.

d. Koalas are going to find another food they like.

Respuesta :




This is because if most of the habitat is destroyed then there wont be anymore food and they cant eat the leaves too.


