1. Which is a source of political conflict between China, Japan, and South Korea today?

A. trade barriers
B. nuclear weapons development
C. land claims in the South China Sea
D. economic sanctions

2. East Asian nations have imposed tariffs and other trade barriers to protect their industries, but these barriers have _____ economic growth.

A. benefited
B. encouraged
C. slowed
D. sped up

3. Which major threat does North Korea pose for the region?

A. North Korea's nuclear weapons program undermines peace and security.
B. North Korea's establishment of military bases on contested islands in the Pacific has created conflict.
C. North Korea's uncontrolled and rapid economic growth upsets markets.
D. North Korea's unregulated media floods the region with false news reports.

4. How does China's geography contribute to the environmental hazard shown? (Basically shows a little boy with a mask on sitting on the floor inside a house while the air outside is full with pollution.)

A. Rivers carry toxins from factories downstream to populated areas throughout the country.
B. Wind carries air pollution to dense urban centers and smog settles in heavily populated lowlands.
C. Plate tectonic activity undermines stability in industrial areas, making them vulnerable to leaks.
D. Runoff from farms and plants causes ground pollution that contributes to acid rain in regions with heavy precipitation.

5. What problem has China tried to solve by building hydropower dams, such as the Three Gorges Dam?

A. scarcity of water
B. lack of arable land
C. production of greenhouse gases
D. damage from earthquakes and tsunamis

Respuesta :


i'm taking the test too did you finish it?


The correct answers are A, C, A, B, C


1. Which is a source of political conflict between China, Japan, and South Korea today?

A. trade barriers  

China, Japan, and South Korea are the major economic powers in the Eastern Asian region. They are also major competitors, in that these three countries have developed large economies based on the export of manufactured goods. In order to protect their local industries and markets, they have set trade barriers, which have become a major source of conflict between these countries.

2. East Asian nations have imposed tariffs and other trade barriers to protect their industries, but these barriers have _____ economic growth.

C. slowed

Protectionist trade policies are designed to protect local industries and markets against foreign competitors. However, tariffs and other trade barriers mean imported goods will command a higher price, therefore lowering demand, and slowing down economic growth as a result.

3. Which major threat does North Korea pose for the region?

A. North Korea's nuclear weapons program undermines peace and security.

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or North Korea for short, became a nuclear power in 2006 after it successfully tested a nuclear weapon. Since then, it has assembled a couple dozen nuclear warheads developed more sophisticated delivery means, such as intercontinental ballistic missiles. North Korea's nuclear weapons program is considered by the United States as a threat to peace and security in the region.

4. How does China's geography contribute to the environmental hazard shown? (Basically shows a little boy with a mask on sitting on the floor inside a house while the air outside is full with pollution.)

B. Wind carries air pollution to dense urban centers and smog settles in heavily populated lowlands.

China's industrial development has brought up some unwanted consequences, such as an incrase in air pollution. Chinese factories, while mostly built away from urban centres, still churn out a ton of pollution, which is then carried by the wind towards cities built on the lowlands. The capital city of Beijing has been one of the most polluted city in the world in the last years.

5. What problem has China tried to solve by building hydropower dams, such as the Three Gorges Dam?

C. production of greenhouse gases

The Three Gorges Dam, built on the Yangtze River in central China, is the largest power station in the world. The electricity produced by this hydroelectrical dam is considered clean energy, as no greenhouse gases are released to the atmosphere.