Which fraction is greater, 19/20 or 27/28?? To explain your answer, use our definition of fraction along with reasoning other than finding common denomi- nators, common numerators, cross-multiplying, or converting to decimals.

Respuesta :


27/28 is greater than 19/20.

Step-by-step explanation:

We can compare both fraction without finding common denominators, common numerators, cross-multiplying, or converting to decimals.  

We can see that the first fraction divide the unit in 20 parts and the second fraction divide the unit in 28 parts.  So, we can conclude that each part is bigger in the first fraction than the second.  

Both fraction are incomplete by 1 portion and if we know that this portion in first fraction is bigger than the second one.

So we can say that Second fraction is greater that first one.

9/20< 27/28