In Macbeth, the main character (Macbeth) receives a prediction about his future in Act I, scene iii. Some readers believe this prediction changes his character. Others believe Lady Macbeth causes him to change. Explain which approach to his character development you believe is true. Give details from the play to support your position.

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I think lady Macbeth is the cause of the change in Macbeth because she constantly tells him about manhood and how he has to do anything to become the king and sways him to believe it so that soon he cant stop killing



Out of all the events mentioned in this question, I believe the prophecy was the event that changed Macbeth’s character. Lady Macbeth was used as a stepping stone to his character growth - the majority was from the prophecy.  

When Macbeth first receives the prophecy from the witches, he spends the majority of the time thinking about what they said. His mind is embedded with their words, which affected him great amounts. “If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me Without my stir” and “Come what come may, Time and the hour runs through the roughest day.” are both quotes that prove my point.

In Act 5, when Macbeth and Macduff fight - Macbeth mentions that he is invincible because of the witches’ prophecy. Further proving, after all that time, he still believes in what they said. It’s been guiding him along, even after Lady Macbeth took her last breath. When Macduff tells Macbeth that “he was not of woman born, but rather ‘from his mother’s womb / Untimely ripped’” Macbeth loses all of his confidence. Lady Macbeth influenced Macbeth’s violent path, but the promise of power from the prophecy was what took him.