An important insight that can be drawn from the research on happiness is that:

(A) money can buy happiness.

(B) attractive people are generally happy people.

(C) objective realities are not as important as subjective feelings.

(D) collectivist cultures are happier than individualistic cultures.

Respuesta :


The best answer to the question: An important insight that can be drawn from the research on happiness is that:___, would be, C: Objective realities are not as important as subjective feelings.


For a very long time, different fields of study, especially in the social sciences, have become interested in learning about what happiness is, how it is defined, what defines it, and what makes people perceive themselves as happy and what factors of life, both inside a person, and outside, play a role in the perception of happiness. Although happiness is essentially a very subjective and intangible concept, and its perception varies from one person to another, what studies on happiness have found though are certain common denominators among people who perceive themselves as happy, or unhappy. One such common denominator is the role that objective realities: having money, having a good job, a country doing well, play on the perception of happiness vs. subjective feelings. And the conclusions that have been drawn show that people perceive happiness more from subjective feelings than from objective realities, meaning, happiness in part depends on a person´s feelings, rather than what is measurable, tangible, and objective.