The Fifth Amendment protects Americans against which of the following things?
Check all of the boxes that apply.

A: undergoing improper search and seizure

B: being forced to testify to prove their own guilt

C: being tried more than once for a crime

D: being prevented from bearing arms

Respuesta :

The answer is B and C.

A is the 4th amendment, which protects against unlawful search and seizure. Unlawful search and seizure is exactly what it sounds like, searching someone or their property without going through the proper authorities. There are some notable exceptions to this being while you’re in school, which is why the school can just search your car, locker, or backpack without your consent and you can’t stop them.

D is the 2nd amendment, which is “the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.” So the government can’t stop you from owning guns unless you’re a threat to others.


it is B. and C.
