One Sunday night, business was painfully slow at Gibbons, the restaurant where I worked. An hour had passed since I had waited on my last customer. I was upset that I wasn't earning very many tips. If business didn't pick up, I wouldn't be able to pay my bills at the end of the week. I was standing in the corner complaining to Craig, another server, when Baron, the host, rushed over to me.
"Maggie, we have a special guest. The manager wants you to wait on her and her party. Be discreet. She doesn't want a lot of attention," Baron said.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"The special guest is Roberta Jules, the star of the TV show Top Teacher," Baron said.
"Oh, she's the lady that travels around the country interviewing students, teachers, and principals in an effort to find the best teacher. I love her! I can't believe she's here!" I said.
"Try to act normal. Don't do anything weird like ask for her autograph," Baron said.
"Okay. I'll do my best," I said.
Roberta arrived with several other people—including my high school principal Mrs. Rush and my favorite teacher Mr. Wells.
"Good evening, my name is Maggie, and I will be your server. Would you like to hear the dinner specials?" I asked Roberta and her entourage.
"Maggie Stinson! How are you?" Mr. Wells asked.
"Wow! You remember me? It's been three years since I was your student," I said.
"How could I forget a student who wrote a paper on why the world needs more criminals?" Mr. Wells said.
"This is one of your former students?" Roberta asked Mr. Wells.
"Yes, Maggie was in my second period English class. She earned an A because of her clever writing," Mr. Wells answered.
"Mr. Wells is an incredible teacher. He taught me everything I know about dangling modifiers. He really deserves to be America's top teacher," I gushed.
"Can you keep a secret?" Roberta asked me.
"Definitely," I said.
"Mr. Wells is one of the three finalists for the top teacher," Roberta told me.
"That is great! Congratulations, Mr. Wells. I hope you win." Suddenly, I remembered my serving duties. "Could I please take your drink order?" I asked.
The rest of the meal went well. I observed Mrs. Rush, Mr. Wells, and Roberta Jules laughing and talking like the best of friends. Each time I checked on their table, they made me feel like a part of the group. I had to tear myself away to wait on my other tables. Roberta paid for the meal and left me a very generous tip. I was thankful and relieved that I would be able to pay all of my bills. Roberta also left me a note saying that she would love to interview me about Mr. Wells. I was thrilled with the opportunity to meet with Roberta and possibly be on TV. I couldn't wait to tell my friends about my exciting night at work.

What is the best summary of the passage?
Maggie complains to Craig about not earning enough tips, when the host, Baron, tells her to serve the celebrity guest Roberta Jules. Maggie is surprised to find Roberta with Maggie's former principal Mrs. Rush and teacher Mr. Wells. They make Maggie feel included and cheer her up with a generous tip.
Maggie, a struggling waitress, serves the celebrity Roberta Jules who is dining at the restaurant with Maggie's former principal, and a teacher, Mr. Wells. Mr. Wells recognizes Maggie, and Roberta acts kindly toward her. Maggie enjoys serving them and feels glad about an exciting night at work and meeting a famous celebrity.
Maggie is thrilled when Baron gives her the opportunity of serving the host of Top Teacher, Roberta Jules. While serving her, Maggie feels awkward, but Roberta Jules’ kind and friendly nature makes Maggie feel at ease. At the end, Roberta gives Maggie a generous tip for her service, which makes her happy.
Maggie gets bored when work progresses painfully slow at Gibbons, until Roberta Jules, the host of Top Teacher, arrives at the restaurant. Roberta tells Maggie that one of her old teachers from school is a top contestant at the show. Maggie feels thrilled at the news and is happy that Roberta talks to her kindly and makes her feel included.