On Monday while Johnny was getting ready for school, he was in the bathroom holding his comb when he got an itch on his head. Johnny used the comb to rub his itch away and when he did his hair was a mess. He turned on the faucet so there was a small stream of water flowing and as he brought the comb near the water to dampen it, he noticed that the water was pulling towards the comb. Thinking he was seeing things, he pulled the comb back and the water was flowing straight down. He again moved the comb near the stream of water and the water again was pulling towards the comb. He repeated this process many times and the water continued to move towards the comb when the comb was near the water.

What do you think is happening to the stream of water flowing from the faucet?
Support you claim in Question 1, by explaining why you think it is happening.
Formulate your hypothesis for the problem.