Show (analytically) with a few lines of math that the force exerted by a magnetic field does no work on a charged particle. Do this by showing that the rate of change of kinetic energy is zero. Your proof should be valid for arbitrary directions of v and B

Respuesta :


We know that force on the moving (velocity V) charge q due to magnetic field B given as

[tex]F=q(\vec{V}\times \vec{B})[/tex]

If force act for time t then energy gained by moving charge


[tex]F=q(\vec{V}\times \vec{B})[/tex]

[tex]E=t(\vec{q(\vec{V}\times \vec{B})}.\vec{V})[/tex]

We know that

[tex]For\ vector\ a\ and\ b\\ a.(\vec{a}\times \vec{b})=0[/tex]



Now we can say that total kinetic energy of charge q will become





[tex]\dfrac{d(K.E.)}{dt}=0[/tex]          (V= constant)                

We can say that

K.E.= constant

So the force exerted by a magnetic field does no work on a charged particle.