The Fox TV network is considering replacing one of its prime-time crime investigation shows with a new family-oriented comedy show. Before a final decision is made, network executives commission a sample of 500 viewers. After viewing the shows, 200 indicated they would watch the new show and suggested it replace the crime investigation show. Estimate the value of the population proportion.

Respuesta :

Answer with explanation:

Given :  The Fox TV network is considering replacing one of its prime-time crime investigation shows with a new family-oriented comedy show.

Sample size = 500

After viewing the shows, 200 indicated they would watch the new show and suggested it replace the crime investigation show.

Sample proportion of people indicated they would watch the new show and suggested it replace the crime investigation show : [tex]\hat{p}=\dfrac{200}{500}=0.4[/tex]

Since the sample proportion is the best point estimate for the population proportion.

Thus the estimated value of the population proportion = 0.4