Charity Hospital has 20 Muslim employees in its maintenance department. The hospital has a designated room in the basement for its Muslim employees to follow their practice of praying five times a day. Muhammad, a new employee, refused to use the room in the basement because he felt it degraded his religion. He instead used the visitors' waiting room on the third floor to pray in spite of his supervisor asking him not to pray there. Consequently, he was fired. Which of the following is most likely to be true in this case?a. Muhammad does not have a claim for religious discrimination because the room in the basement was not a reasonable accommodation - b. Muhammad has a claim for religious discrimination because Charity Hospital unreasonably failed to accommodate his religious practice c. Muhammad does not have a claim for religious discrimination because the other employees participated in the accommodation by allowing him to pray where he felt comfortable d. Muhammad does not have a claim for religious discrimination because he had a duty to cooperate in the accommodation

Respuesta :


D. Muhammad does not have a claim for religious discrimination because he had a duty to cooperate in the accommodation
