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Iranians are Aryan. In fact, Iranians are the only Aryans, since the other branches of the Indo-Europeans never used this exact term. The term itself comes from the Proto-Indo-European Heryos, of which there were many similar terms among the other Indo-Europeans, but nevertheless, none of them referred to themselves as Arya. Furthermore, We have genetic data from Scythian and Sarmatian burials, and they were not genetically similar to modern Europeans, but to Volga Tatars, at least in the case of the Sarmatians because the Scythians had 20 to 50% East Asian admixture on average. Further, the Aryan/Iranian identity was not cystalized until hybridization between the peoples of the BMAC culture (who were Chalcolithic Iranians) and those of the Andronovo Steppe culture. From this hybridization emerged the Persians, Medes, Parthians, etc., and it was these peoples who then spread the Iranic languages across Iran, further absorbing the natives. While, it is true that the elites did not marry into the native population, they were nonetheless already hybridized with the native element due to intermixing with populations in Central Asia. I reckon that the Achaemenid Shahs had around 50 to 60% Steppe admixture, perhaps as high as 70%, but nonetheless, they had considerable admixture from the native Iranians. By the Sassanid era, the elites and commoners were basically the same people, though the elites likely still retained a bit more of their steppe ancestry, at around 35 to 40%. All of this is irrelevant to the discussion, though, as the Steppe peoples themselves already had Iran Neolithic/Chalcolithic related ancestry even before they stepped foot in the BMAC horizon.

Iran means Land of Aryan and the only non Smeite and unique Aryans Religion born at land of Aryans Zoaroatioan. Also during History we can only see 3 times when Great King of the kings and his Son Darius the Great and Khasharyar Shah introduced themselves. That having Aryans Race And Aryan Lang also this quote is interesting too

Heroudut (Fifteenth Century BC) quotes an interesting report in which there is no complementary or similar account of the fact that one of the seven folk who made up the Medi of Ariasento, or the exact Arizanti, was Herodotus. He goes on to say that the Medes called themselves "Aria" as a whole, but later renamed it and adopted the name "Mada" (Herodotus, First Book, Paragraph 101; Gershavich, p. 119; Lukok , P. 155). Zento (in Achaemenid Ancient Persian: "Znay") is an Avestan term and is almost the same as a tribe. In the structure of the Avesta social hierarchy, Zento is smaller than Deju and larger than Vis and Neemane / Damane.

Herodotus, in addition to the above, reminds us of the origin of the Persian name. He has come to the conclusion that the Persian has taken his name from Perses, the son of Perseus, and Perseus was one of the boys of Zeus (the great god of Greeks and the equivalent of Ahura Mazda).

Herodotus also reported in the following important narrative that the Persians had two earlier names before they were called. One of these two ancient names was "Kephen / Kephe", which the Greeks knew them by this name, and the other was the name Arta, which the Persians used it to call themselves Artaioi (Herodotus, Book VII, Paragraph 61 and Paragraph 150). This name is very similar to the name "Aratta" (Aratta), which appeared in a Sumerian inscription.