Cells are the basic building block of living things. There are many similarities between all cells, but there are also notable differences.

1. Define the terms prokaryote and eukaryote.
2. Identify two cell structures which are found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
3. Identify two cell organelles which are only found in eukaryotic cells.

Respuesta :

1. Prokaryote - A microscopic single-celled organism that has neither a distinct nucleus with a membrane nor other specialized organelles.

Eukaryote - An organism consisting of a cell or cells in which the genetic material is DNA in the form of chromosomes contained within a distinct nucleus.

2. Two cell structures found in both are a cell membrane and plasma membrane. (you can also use cytoplasm)

3. Two organelles in Eukaryotic cells are mitochondria, chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes. (List whichever two)

Reword somewhat so you don't get into trouble when using your answer.


1-prokaryote: organism whose DNA is scattered throughout the cytoplasm. Its DNA is not found within a nucleus.

Eukaryote: cells that have a differentiated nucleus, and it is protected by a membrane and an organized cytoplasm.

2-cell membrane and plasma membrane

3-Mitochondria and chloroplasts


Prokaryotes are characterized by being single-celled microorganisms.

Eukaryotic cells contain their genetic information within the nuclear envelope. The cytoplasm has connected organelles and its boundaries are established by biological membranes.

They can be divided into two groups, animal eukaryotic cells and plant eukaryotic cells. Animals have an irregular shape and are heterotrophic, while plant cells have polygonal shapes, and are mostly capable of photosynthesis.