This assignment is about making a simple multi-page "online dating" site that processes HTML forms with PHP. Online dating has become mainstream with popular sites such as eHarmony,, OkCupid, Chemistry, and Plenty of Fish. Your task for this assignment is to write HTML and PHP code for a fictional online dating site for desperate single geeks, called NerdLuv. Turn in the following files:

index.php, a front page that links to the other page (partially provided)

matches.php, a page with a form for existing users to log in and check their dating matches

matches-submit.php, the page that receives data submitted by matches.php and show's the user's matches

common.php, a file containing any common code used by the above pages

There are some provided files on the web site. The first is a mostly complete version of the site's front page, index.php. We also provide a complete CSS file nerdluv.css with all of the page styles. Link to this CSS file from all of your pages and use its styles in your code. You can fully style all pages using the styles in nerdluv.css only.

Respuesta :



  1. nerdluv.php
  2. signup.php
  3. signup-submit.php
  4. matches.php
  5. macthes-submit.php
  6. common.php


The provided nerdluv.php has a header/footer and links to singup.php and matches.php. This file's contents are complete, but larger parts of it are repeated on other pages. The repeated parts should be turned into functions in common.php that are called by each page. The sign up link leads to singup.php and check matches to matches.php.

The signup.php page has a header logo, a form to create a new acount, and footer notes/images. You must write the HTML code for the form, the form should contain the labeled fields such as name, gender, age, personality tipe, favorite OS, seeking age, and sign up.

The signup-submit.php code should creat a line representing the new user's information and add it to the end of the file. The resulting page has the usual header and footer and text thanking the user. The text log in to see your matches links to matches.php.

Use functions, parameters/return, included files/code, loops, variables, etc, to avoid redundancy. If you have HTML or PHP code that is shared or redundant between multiple pages, place it into functions in common.php. You can include your common.php in your other pages.