Consider the following antisocial acts: European soccer fans sometimes attack and bludgeon players and other fans; in the United States, members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) burned houses and lynched innocents; frenzied rock and roll fans trample one another, sometimes resulting in deaths. What do these situations have in common? They __________.
(A) represent the downside of social facilitation.
(B) demonstrate the tragedies sometimes caused by anonymity.
(C) represent an unexpected hazard of group cohesion.
(D) reflect mass actions caused by relative deprivation.

Respuesta :

The correct answer is letter B.

Explanation:  Anonymity allows a human being to feel free to do and take certain actions that he would not take if his identity were revealed simply by feeling free of judgment, and letting our social bonds not bind us.

This allows us to unleash our wildest instincts precisely on the grounds that it is protected from being discovered.