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There are beliefs, on that, on those time, was common to believe that their affected the some African communities in the 18th. century. For example;

  1. a curse from God;
  2. ancestral violations of societal norms;

     3. offenses against the gods of the  land

     4. breaking laws and family sins; misfortune;

     5. witches and wizards; and adultery, among


The five traditional beliefs in some African communities that affected people with disabilities in 18th century are

1) Witchcraft

2) Sex

3) God

4) Supernatural and

5) Juju.


In the 18th Century, people of African communities had various beliefs about the people who were mentally disabled:-

1) Witchcraft:

People in various communities associated these disabled individuals as the practitioners of witchcraft and were abolished from the community.

2) God:

Some of the communities even considered disabled people as gods or supernatural beings who posessed supernatural abilities within them.

3) Supernatural:

There was a sense of fear among the people that these disabled beings had some supernatural connection and were involved in supernatural activities.

4) Sex:

People also considered them as deformities due to sex. At that time sex was considered a bad element of society.

5) Juju:

The use of amulets and other charms to cure disabilities was also common among African communities.