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Answer:The speaker describes hope as a bird (“the thing withfeathers”) that perches in the soul. There, it sings wordlesslyand without pause. The song of hope sounds sweetest “in the Gale,”and it would require a terrifying storm to ever “abash the littleBird / That kept so many warm.” The speaker says that she has heardthe bird of hope “in the chillest land— / And on the strangest Sea—”,but never, no matter how extreme the conditions, did it ever askfor a single crumb from her.

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A way of expressing unrealistic and unrestricted words and languages to attract readers and to keep the text more interesting is called figurative speech. It uses exaggeration and comparison to make the content interesting.

It uses figurative speech called metaphor in “Hope is the thing with feathers”.

The structural elements can be explained as:

  • The poet Emily Dickinson wrote the poem “Hope” is the Thing with Feathers” which describes hope and its effect on the mind and soul of people.

  • In this poem, the literary device metaphor is used to compare hope to that of a feather as it describes how it can give courage and hope to the gloomy person.

  • It also uses personification, imagery and other literary devices to create mental peace, hope and to compare human characteristics to objects.

Therefore, hope is compared to feather.

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