Discuss Kohlberg's theory of moral development, and how you think it applies to other cultures.  What do you think of the possible gender bias of Kohlberg's
theory?  Try to give both cultural and gender examples.

Respuesta :

Answer: His theory is the result of a series of surveys and interviews of different ages. In these interviews, a series of stories with moral dilemmas were presented as children, and after the knowledge of these stories, questions were asked that involved moral questions.

Kohlberg's intention with the dilemmas presented was to analyze the reasons given as justifications for the answer, because the analysis of the reasons allowed the subject to be located at what stage of moral development he would be.

He wanted to move away from moral content and study how it developed in people. For him it didn't matter what was good or bad, it mattered how we got this idea of ​​good or bad. Through a variety of interviews and studies he noted that morale building increases as children grow older. As with other skills, such as language or the ability to rationalize.

In Kohlberg's theory of moral development the conclusion is that moral development goes through three levels: pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional.