
Anions are those elements on the upper right side of the periodic table, excluding the Noble gases, that gain electrons when they ionize. T or F?

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The given statement is true. The elements on the upper right side of periodic table accept the electrons because of higher electronegativity values and form anions.

For example:

Consider the halogens. All halogens accept the one electron per atom to complete the octet and form anion. when they combine with metals metals loses their electrons to halogens atoms and form cations while halogens accept the electrons and form anion.

Consider the sodium chloride salt. The sodium metal loses its one valance electron which is accepted by chlorine.


Magnesium bromide:

To complete the octet bromine required one electron. By gaining the one electron it showed -1 oxidation state.

When bromine combine with magnesium both formed MgBr₂.

The one atom of Mg have +2 oxidation state while bromine have -1 that's why to make the overall compound neutral two bromine atoms combine with one atom of magnesium.