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Answer: Human development refers to mental development and organic growth. Mental development is a continuous construction. These are ways of organizing mental activity that will improve and solidify. Some of these structures remain throughout life.

The reason why the environment influences us can be led to deep philosophical and religious questions, which involve trying to explain why we are as we are and the meaning of being.  The nature can make us different through conditions, we can be affected in many ways, such as physical and psychological.

But on a more pragmatic side, we are beings who need to look for things in the environment to survive (such as food) and avoid things that may threaten us, and the ability to be influenced by these variables is very important and ensures our survival.

And because they are socially developed, adaptation to the environment also involves adapting to society and is what allows us to learn things from others and from the world. Therefore, all culture and social life depend directly on the influence of the environment on us