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hi there the answer is freedom of speech, rich people, violence, journalists kept captive, politics, competitions. That is all i know i hope it is enough Good Luck! XD
Big media companies are hard to threaten as they are quickly rising with more power and more money. But a likely factor that could threaten a network is money, money creates debt but on the contrary debt creates money. So if a media company were invested in stocks and they crashed they would have to take out a loan so they're company would not lose grips on their network, this loan in turn creating more debt for themselves.
A small factor but one that has potential to grow is people. The media is threatened by real people, those who travel the world exploring and living their life, educating themselves with first hand experience instead of listening to the corruption spewing out of their TV screens. Media is a big thing to take down, or attempt to. If the media anger the wrong people (eg, a very rich family) they are putting their network on the line to being either shutdown or the CEO being replaced. A lot of people receive the information from the media as fact and don't stop to question whether it is correct or not. It would take a big awakening from the first world citizens for a 'common person based threat'. But as we don't see that right now the main factors that could possibly threaten the media are: money, angering the wrong people, scandals within the network and controversy