solids < liquids < gases

Which option states a property of matter that matches the order of the states of matter in the flowchart?
Select all that apply.

kinetic energy of particles
density of matter
space between particles
speed of particle motion

Respuesta :



space between particles


Properties of gases:

Molecule of gases randomly move everywhere and occupy all available space.

Gases don't have definite volume and shape and take the shape and volume of container in which it present.

Their densities are very low as compared to the liquid and solids.

Gas molecules are at long distance from each other therefore by applying pressure gases can be compressed.

The very weak inter molecular forces are present between gas molecules.

Properties of Liquid:

Liquid have definite volume but don,t have definite shape.

Their densities are high as compared to the gases but low as compared to the solids.

In liquid, molecules are close to each other and have greater inter molecular forces as compared to the gas molecules.

Properties of solids:

Solids have definite volume and shape.

In solids molecules are tightly pack and very close to each other.

Their melting and boiling point are every high.

The densities of solids are also very high as compared to the liquid and gas.

There are very strong inter molecular forces are present between solid molecules.