Respuesta :


Basically land pollution is caused due to urbanization, mining, industrialization, landfill and improper waste disposal of agricultural chemicals . Major chemicals responsible are pesticides, lead, heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbon etc.



This creates large holes in the ground which in a long run causes soil erosion. Mining also removes the topsoil making teh soil barren land.It also releases harmful chemicals that contaminates the air and soil.


The waste from the industry contains heavy metals in it. Which pollutes the urban soil as well as the cropland. Among all lead is most toxic that causes major part of land pollution.Also the chemicals makes the land infertile for making cultivation in it.

Main sources of land pollution are fertilizer use, overflowing landfills, deforestation, nuclear waste etc.


Land pollution is less visible when compared with water pollution but the effects of it are fatal. Several factors cause land pollution. In order to increase productivity agricultural sector uses chemical fertilizers and pesticides.  

These chemicals remain in the soil and the soil gets depleted of its fertility and the soil gets poisoned. These chemicals may also get washed into nearby water sources polluting the water body as well. Overflowing landfills are also a major cause of land pollution.  

It is not always possible to recycle all the waste generated. The waste that is dumped in landfills causes land pollution.