Anthony purchases two bags. The price of all bags is $5.20. Anthony purchases one school bag and one hand bag. Write an expression that represents the total cost,T, of the bag if s represents the number of school bags and h represents the number of hand bags

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Step-by-step explanation:

I think that is the expression because it say he purchases two bags, all the bags are 5.20 so he brought two bags which are school bag and one hand bag the formula I used was y=mx+b but in these case I had to put t=5.20x. I hope this really helped you..


Step-by-step explanation:

Anthony purchases two bags. The price of all bags is $5.20

Anthony purchases one school bag and one hand bag. It means that he purchased one handbag and one school bag for a total cost of $5.20

Let s represent the number of school bags and

Let h represent the number of hand bags.

An expression that represents the total cost,T, of the bag will be

T = s + h

Since total cost = $5.20


5.20 = s + h