Cyber Security Network Problem

Problem Overview

You have just moved into a new home, and you have brought all your digital communications devices. After contacting your Internet Service Provider and getting connected, you now need to secure this home environment. Review the diagram below of all the devices, mobile and stationary.

Problem Requirements

1. All devices must be protected against intrusion from other people

2. Devices must be secure against malware

3. People using the devices must be security aware

4. Internet access must be secure from unauthorized access and/or intrusion

5. All devices must be up-to-date and properly functioning

6. All critical data must be recoverable in the event of failure

7. The digital communications environment must be safe to use and defended

Problem-Solving Process:

Only do the Discover and Design Stages of problem-solving.

Stage 1: Discover

During this stage the problem is defined in detail. The scope of the problem is stated so that it is clear why this problem is important. The impact and risks of the problem are evaluated so that each risk is named with its likelihood of occurring and its level of severity. Actions are assigned to each risk that will reduce or resolve it. Finally, all the people that are affected are identified giving a clear declaration of their level of involvement with the problem.

Stage 2: Design

In this design stage possible solutions are proposed and evaluated. Each alternative approach to solving the problem is identified and discussed. A method is defined to evaluate each alternative solution. Alternative solutions should be both creative and reasonable. The recommended solution is chosen and stated clearly explaining why this alternative is the best one.

Questions to consider:

Use these and other questions to develop and design your solution. These are not questions to answer directly in your submissions but only to help you solve the problem.

1. How will the security solution be used and by whom?

2. Are devices protected from unauthorized use and intrusion?​

3. Are the people using the devices cyber-security aware?

4. Can the data on the devices be recovered?

5. Is the environment defended against malware?

6. What documentation and planning prepare for security problems?

7. Is the Internet use safe from intrusion?

8. Does your solution solve the whole problem for all the people involved

Divide the problem solution in two sections, Discover and Design, addressing at minimum each of the items listed below. Use headers to clarify what part of the problem you are addressing. Consider using a table or spreadsheet for your risk analysis.

1. Discover Document

a. Problem definition

i. Full problem statement

ii. Scope of problem

iii. Impact and risks of problem giving at least five risks, their likelihood, and actions to reduce each risk.

iv. People affected

2. Design Document

a. Design statement

i. Identify at least ten steps to take to secure this environment and all the devices

ii. Explain the value and importance of each step you propose

iii. Identify at least five security criteria and evaluate/score your solution by these criteria

iv. State why your solution is effective and reasonable.

Cyber Security Network ProblemProblem OverviewYou have just moved into a new home and you have brought all your digital communications devices After contacting class=