You recently were hired as a front line debt collection agent for a debt collection service in Michigan. Your boss assigns you to a fairly new client. That client shares with you several items: account ledgers showing overdue balances, checks that "bounced" or were returned for insufficient funds, and a list of dates of purchases. Most of the purchases were made more than 6 years ago. Michigan has a six year statute of limitations for the collection of debt, meaning that after six years, one cannot successfully bring a lawsuit to recover old debt. You talk to your boss who instructs you to go ahead and contact the debtors with the standard letter that offers to settle the outstanding debt for 75% of the amount owed. The letter also indicated that failure to either accept the settlement offer within 20 days, or pay off the full amount after day 20 but before day 45, would result in the filing of a lawsuit to collect the debt. As a new collection agent, you know that the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act governs behavior in the industry. Explain why this requested behavior may violate the act.