Respuesta :

The modern farming practices cause huge damage to the biodiversity.


The biodiversity around the globe has been constantly deteriorated by the human activities. One of the human activities that has played a huge role in the loss of biodiversity has been the agriculture. The agriculture has been taking over more and more area, and with the development of the technology it has been becoming more and more dangerous for the biodiversity.

While in more ancient times the farming was done in primitive manner, so there was no big harm for the biodiversity, in modern time that has changed. The modern farming practices include lot of mechanization, and lot of highly toxic chemicals. The mechanization itself managed to kill lot of plants and animals, but the real damage comes from the chemicals used in the pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. Most of the living organisms are getting poisoned by these chemicals when they come in touch with them, and often it is large scale dying out of species, which sharply disrupts the ecosystem, and influences the other organisms as well.

The combination of direct killing, poisoning, and loss of habitat has caused lot of organisms to die out or to be endangered. The effect on the biodiversity has been devastating, and it has been constantly on the downfall.

Learn more about the effect of pesticides on the human health
