James is two years younger than twice his sister Kate’s Age. Together their ages add up to 19.
What is each of their ages?
Identify(2pts): What is the problem? What do you
need to find or do? What will your final answer
look like? Do you understand what is being
asked and what you need to do?
Think(2pts): What have they told you? What does
it mean? What more do you know or can you
figure out? What connections can you make? Do
you have a list of things you know, ideas to try &
a plan for doing it?
Do(4pts): Create and/or solve an equation (if
needed) & show steps towards completing the
problem. Create an outline or map to organize
your answer. Revise your plan if it doesn’t work
the first time.
Answer(2 pts): Look back at your work and
answer – does it make sense, answer all of the
questions, and is reasonable (accurate)? When it
is - Organize and report your work and final answer.